
on 7/18/12 12:23 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Folks,

It's been awhile (again) and I hope everyone is feeling good and strong. 

I want to say I'll be back every day and really be a contributor again, but I just don't feel ready to commit.  I want to give it another go, though. 

What's new: my Chronic Lyme Disease led to Peripheral Neuropathy.  Ain't that a kick in the a$$?  I was so terrified of Diabetes leading to Neuropathy that I let someone cut my stomach in two and re-route my intestines.  And I got it anyhow...because I took a hike in a park and two docs I saw early on didn't recognize the symptoms of early Lyme.  I used to worry that I would grow so obese that I couldn't get around without a cane (I was close, but I was stubborn).  So...now I'm using a cane and it sucks.

I had written some time back that I had regained weight - early in my illness, for no good reason at all.  Then, because I couldn't exercise as much due to things like pain and passing out.  Finally, my diet suffered because I was bored and sad.  I'd gained 60 lbs.

Well, one of the organs affected by my Lyme was my thyroid - went hyper and I dropped 40 lbs without trying.  Afraid I was a real brat about it - I ate ice cream with impunity, knowing that I had never and would never again be able to do so and still lose weight! 

So, at the moment, I am about 20 lbs from my original goal.  It's really hard to exercise, but I'm trying my best.  I'm trying to feed us right too.  This will be a bit easier now because I've won my SSDI case and won't have to feed us from the dollar store half of every month.

Life is challenging, but I wouldn't want to lose it.  This too shall pass...I'm going to make sure of that.  Glad to be here.  I've recently written to my nutritionist and asked for support group info...have also begun seeking support in other areas.  I need to get out of my head and do something worthwhile.  I've been a volunteer and an activist my whole life till Lyme got hold of me.  I swear I'll break free of it.

Exercise in the heat sucks.  How's everyone without a gym membership managing it?  Any tips/advice to share?  Thanks in advance.

Be well.


Patricia R.
on 7/18/12 9:23 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Lisa,
I'm so sorry to hear that you developed Lyme Disease and are suffering so.  I'm blessed because my doctor has tested me several times when my symptoms warranted it.  Thankfully, I don't have it.

I did a regain as well.  It was during a two year alcoholic relapse.  I'm not back at goal yet, but I'm heading in the right direction.

As far as support groups go, while I haven't been there in a while, there are two Barix support groups each month in Langhorne.  They are open to anyone seeking support.  The only restriction is that nonBarix patients can't get any nutritional counseling while there.  They meet the third Wednesday and first Saturday of the month.  I have to get back there.  If I didn't have a slew of errands last night, I would have been there.  Barix is in Langhorne, off Woodbourne Road near Oxford Valley Mall.

Must scoot.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 7/19/12 7:32 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Trish,

Thanks for the info; I appreciate it.  I'm glad to hear you are back on the right track and wish you continued success!

Regarding Lyme...the standard test is only about 30-50% accurate, so if you have symptoms that warrant a further look, this site might be a great help to you: www.ilads.org.


on 7/18/12 10:15 pm
 Lisa, I am sorry to hear about your illness. It sounds like you have been through the wringer with the Lyme disease. I love hearing the strong attitude about "breaking free" of it. Good for you - attitude really matters!

Let me toss in a thought - that if you contribute to a message board in ANY capacity, you may do so to help others....but at the core, doing so helps YOURSELF. 

We talked about this at Barix support last night. You might post your menus for the day, or your exercise plan....and no one replies. No one. That doesn't mean the post was not worthwhile. It put it out on the screen and into the universe for YOUR OWN ACCOUNTABILITY. It helps YOU keep track.

As for summer exercise, I got started a couple of years ago with water aerobics and loved it. I didn't do "granny style" classes, but discovered a few that really got the heart rate pumping. And NO issue going outside afteward risking freezing temps and damp hair, to be sure!
on 7/19/12 7:35 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thanks for the encouraging words, Lynn.  You make a good point about posting to boards. 

I think next month I'll see if any local gyms (with pool) will give me a month-to-month membership.  We are hoping to move within 4-6 months, so I don't want a contract.


Laureen S.
on 7/18/12 10:32 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Hi Lisa,

I remember you from the days of old and it is good to see you taking steps towards your overall well being. . .  it really stinks that you got Lyme disease, I have a good friend that had the same thing happen quite a well ago, he is doing well now, but has flare ups with the pain from how it affected him, but attitude is a big factor in all things and your's seems to be the right one!

While I have a gym membership at Planet Fitness, which is only $10 or 20 depending on the membership you want, in the nicer weather what I do is take my dog for a long walk early in the morning and I have weights in my house for that.  Not sure if you have cable, but there are On Demand exercise channels, there is yoga and there are always dvds you can take out for free at your local library.  If you can get yourself a set of exercise bands, at Ross' or Marshall's you can work out with them. . .  there are probably other ways to do things and I don't know where you are living and what is available to you, but if you have access to a pool, walking in the pool (if you can do that), or swimming is a great exercise.

I log my food on here to keep me accountable and to help others see what life, post-op is like, because prior to surgery I came here to see how people were living post-op life and it's one way in which I can pay it forward, sometimes it is frustrating when no one comes aboard to share their food log, but it helps me for sure, and I do come back and edit according to what changes.

We do have support groups that meet 3rd Wednesday (7 to 8:30) of each month and 1st Saturday (11 to 1:30).

Have a good day and glad you won you SSDI case.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 7/19/12 7:42 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Laureen,

It's good to see that you are still here and doing well!

Thanks for all the exercise ideas...I miss taking long walks every day.  I believe I need to adjust my attitude about what I can do...that is, if I can't do a long walk, I feel like crap about it.  That's not good.  When I started losing weight before, I worked my way up to a longer distance.  It doesn't work that way now - some days I can walk, some days I need extra pain meds just to sit on the couch and watch tv.  It's frustrating because I don't know how to set a goal .  

Any how, thanks again.

on 7/19/12 11:35 am

Welcome back to the board!!!

You being aware of what you need to do means that you are still fighting the good fight!!  I also struggle with getting in exercise. I have been working a summer job which has been keeping me very active, which is a good thing. I don't have a gym membership, but I do have a treadmill in the basement and a Wii system. After my summer job is done, I am going to make it a point to do one or the other( or both) everyday! 

Good luck to you!


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